News 2003December 10, 2003:Bob Crom reports that the lake is completely iced-in. November 26: Final Birch Lake Dam ReportDana Dostert reports: The final version of the Birch Lake Dam report was sent to Cass County November 2: Water Level UpdateThe November 1st lake reading of 1378.41' is down 10.8" from last November and down 8.4" from May 1, 2003. Reported to Tom Cox by Walt Kane October 26: Water Level Reaches New LowThis past Sunday, October 26, Walt Kane report a water level reading of
1378.39'. This is - Tom Cox Zebra Mussels AlertTO: MLA Members in Crow Wing and Cass County FROM: Minnesota Lakes Association As many of you are probably aware, zebra mussels have recently been discovered in Lake Osawinamakee in Crow Wing County, only the second inland lake in Minnesota to have zebra mussels. The discovery should heighten concern and awareness that exotics can make their way to the Central Minnesota lake region, where the impacts could be far reaching from nuisance to impacts on fishing populations and more. Zebra mussels attach to hard surfaces in lakes and can kill native mussels, limit recreational activities, clog water supply pipes, and compete with larval fish for food. You are urged to check docks, boat lifts, swimming platforms, boats, motors, anchors and any objects that have been in the lake all summer as a good way to screen for additional infestations of zebra mussels. Check areas that they are especially attracted to like trim tabs, rubber gaskets, grooves along the keel of pontoon boats, and sailboat centerboards.You can also examine rocks along the shoreline in shallow water. If you suspect zebra mussels in your lake, preserve a few in rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol and contact the DNR at 651-296-2835 for instructions. Water Level Lowest Since 1988by Tom Cox, 10/1/03 At Men's Coffee on Tuesday, September 30, 2003, Walt Kane reported his morning's water level reading of 1378.54', which is 12.5 inches lower than a year ago, 8.2 inches lower than on November 1, 2002, and 6.8 inches lower than on May 1st, 2003. Walt says that this is the lowest it has been since November 10, 1988, when it was 1378.41'. The only other lower readings he is aware of are from August 14, 1977, when the water stood at 1378.27', and the lowest on record, that of November 23, 1976, when it stood at 1377.49'. Meanwhile, others reported that this week the County will bring a back hoe to the public access, and that the operator expects to take "three truckloads" of material out of the bottom of the lake where the frequent "powering-on" (gunning of engines to boost boats onto their trailers) has caused such a pile up of gravel and rock that it has become difficult, if not dangerous, to try to maneuver boats into position at the public access dock and ramp. Stay tuned.... DNR's Hydrology Report Presentation9/30/03: David Enblom, Cass County Engineer, and Dana Dostert, author of the DNR's Draft Report on the Study of the Birch Lake Dam, will be presenting the report on Friday, October 10, at 1:30pm, in the Hackensack Senior Center (adjacent to the Hackensack Post Office). "This will be our opportunity to hear Dana's report in person, to ask questions, gain clarification, share views, etc. For those of us who have had a special interest in the operation of the Birch Lake Dam and its impact on the water levels on Ten Mile, Birch and Pleasant Lakes over the past four years and more, this meeting should be especially informative and valuable. I hope you will be able to come, and that you will spread the word to your lake association members and friends." - Tom Cox The Birch Lake Dam Report can be downloaded and viewed: click here. Hackensack Tennis Court Resurfacing5/31/03: History indicates that over the years many Ten Mile Lake residents and visitors have enjoyed the use of the public tennis courts in Hackensack. The City Council has observed the need for resurfacing those Courts at an approximate cost of $7,000. The Ten Mile Lake Association has been asked if it might help underwrite a part of that cost. As the inquiry was discussed at the May 31 Board meeting, it was observed that TML residents and visitors involve themselves in a wide variety of recreational activities, e.g. golf etc., the costs of which they underwrite as individuals. The Board agreed that as many past and future users of the tennis courts as possible be made aware of this need and encouraged to assess their respective abilities to respond. This article is a part of that effort. Those who read this are asked to join in the effort to spread the word of this need. Contributions should be sent to Hackensack City Council, Attention: Bill Green, City Hall, Hackensack, MN 56452. Ice Out April 255/6/03: Bob Crom reports that Jim Schwartz observed some ice on April 24th, which was gone on the morning of the 25th. Ice out on Leech Lake was recorded on April 24th. In 2002 the official ice out date was April 24th.