News 2008
MPCA Draft 2008 Report | Regner Anniversary | CSAH 71 Ribbon Cutting | Lake Mgmt Plan | Section 1116 | Ice Out | Intralake Zoning Project
Ten Mile Lake 2008 Report (Final)
This report is a summary of the MPCA's work on Ten Mile Lake this past summer as
part of the SLICE program.
Click on the image below to download the report in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
Happy Anniversary!
Kenneth & Janice Regner celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. Ken and Jan were married on September 6th, 1958, at St. Augustine
Church in Austin. They celebrated with their children, grandchildren and a great
Information provided by Kelly Lady
CSAH 71 Ribbon
Cutting Celebration
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Click here
for information in .pdf format.
(click on the image to open the .pdf file)
Published 5/30/2008
The Board of Directors of the Ten Mile Lake Association, in our Board Meeting
on May 17, 2008, unanimously approved a resolution of support for the most
recent draft of the Section 1116 Revision of the Cass County Land Use Ordinance
. The Ten Mile Lake Association has closely followed the evolution of this
Revision over the past two years. While it has some less than perfect aspects
from the Lake Association's standpoint, we strongly believe that approval of
this Revision is absolutely critical to the continuing environmental health of
our lakes and rivers and indeed, all of Cass County.
We particularly like the elimination of Planned Unit Developments in favor of
Conservation Developments, both riparian and non-riparian. Formation of a
Technical Review Panel to oversee new CD's, including a representative from the
affected township or tribal governing body, is a big step forward.
The 50% open space requirement, formation of two tiers in riparian CDs, the
limitation of one permanent boat slip per riparian dwelling unit to be located
at a designated lake access, and a minimum riparian frontage of 400 feet are
among the positive features which will protect our lakes and rivers.
We are hopeful that after 2+ years in the making, this Revision will be
presented to the Board of Commissioners this summer. We urge everyone who cares
about our beautiful lakes, rivers, and forests to support approval of this
Section 1116 Revision into the Cass County Land Use Ordinance.
Al Griggs, President, Ten Mile Lake Association.
From information sent by Al
The last significant ice pack on Ten Mile disappeared sometime
Sunday Night (May 11). At sundown it was butting up against the former Hillaway
camp area and Monday Morning it was gone, making the official Ice-Out date May
12, 2008.
From information sent by Al
Griggs and Paula West
Published 5/5/2008
Al Griggs writes:
I am forwarding this message from Paula West concerning the recent Cass
County Intralakes Zoning Project meeting which was held last Wednesday. Many
of you will recall that Cass County Environmental Services Department
initiated a program several years ago to investigate rezoning of certain areas
within a given lake based on environmental sensitivity. In other words, a
given lake could contain areas which are zoned General Development,
Recreational Development, or Natural Environment. Development standards become
more restrictive in RD and NE lakes.
The DNR took over the program a couple of years ago and developed a
comprehensive protocol which assigns a numerical score to each grid section of
lakeshore. Higher scores denote higher environmental sensitivity.
The assessments of Ten Mile and Woman lakes are complete and the
attached PDF format maps
show the DNR results.
The next step is implementation. On April 23, Paul Radomsky of the DNR and
John Sumption of Cass County ESD will present an overview of the program at
the Hackensack Senior Center from 9:30AM until Noon. I strongly urge everyone
to attend, if possible. This program is a huge step forward in our efforts to
preserve our lakes. Ultimately we need to let our Commissioners know we want
this to happen.
Rezoning, when implemented, would effect future lakefront development.
Existing plats, projects, etc would be grandfathered into the old zone
Paula West writes:
I attended a meeting this week on the Cass County Intralake Zoning Project
and picked up a map of Woman Lake that I thought would be of interest to you;
attached. John Alden was also at the meeting.
I’m sure you are familiar with the project, but if not, here’s a brief
overview. Over the past several years, the DNR has been collecting field data
on 17 priority lakes in Cass County on 13 parameters, and then using that data
to rank areas of shoreland by its sensitivity to development. The DNR will
make recommendations to the County of areas that should have special zoning
protections. The County can then create Sensitive Area Districts, where
conservation development and other restrictive standards can be put in place
through ordinance to protect those sensitive areas against impacts of
development. The data is complete on Woman and Ten Mile, the DNR has made
recommendations to the County for sensitive areas on both lakes, and the
County will be ready this summer to put Sensitive Area Districts in place on
either of those two lakes. The key is the local lake community—lake
association, township, or both--will have to initiate the zoning process by
asking the County to establish the special districts and show strong local
landowner support.
The attached map of Woman and Ten Mile shows the DNR’s determination of the
most sensitive areas on those two lakes. Notice that the DNR thinks all
shoreland is sensitive, some just more than others. Looking at the map you
quickly get the idea of what areas of the lake need the most protection. I
bring this to your attention because it overlaps with what the Leech Lake Area
Watershed Foundation is doing this summer for Sustainability Committees to
provide tools to identify the highest priority conservation projects. We
anticipate receiving a grant to hire an intern from Bemidji State to map all
the undeveloped shorelines meeting a defined criteria on the priority lakes in
Cass County. The maps will have an overlay of the DNR’s sensitive shoreland
data, where it exists, that will clearly point out undeveloped properties with
sensitive shoreland criteria. This will help your Sustainability Committee,
and others, to pinpoint the highest priority properties on the lake to target
for conservation projects. In short, those highly sensitive areas can be
protected through either 1) special zoning districts; and 2) conservation
options to keep them from being developed.
I hope we can work closely with you as these tools unfold. There are a
couple of events that I would like to bring to your attention that will be
1) April 23, 9:45 to 12:00, Hackensack Senior Center--- Community Meeting
of the North Central Lakes Collaborative, hosted by LLAWF.
Paul Radomski, DNR, and John Sumption, Cass County, will give an update on
the Intralake Zoning Project.
It would be helpful to get as many active Ten Mile lake residents there to
hear about it so when the time comes to gather local support for sensitive
districts your landowners are familiar with the project.
2) April 23, 7 p.m. Cass County Land Department office in Backus.
Special hearing on the final proposed Cass County Land Use Ordinance,
Development Standards. The ordinance will be reviewed line by line. Much of
the conservation development language has been stricken from the proposed
ordinance. The Conservation Design will be the standard for the sensitive
districts, but the County felt they have to get the development standards in
place before they can add the special districts.
3) May 28, 2008, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Walker Community Center, Walker
Land Conservation Options Workshop for Lake Leaders, sponsored by LLAWF.
Tom Duffus, Conservation Fund, will present an overview of different land
conservation options (e.g. acquisitions, donations, easements, etc) and
discuss the benefits of each. This should be a great primer for your
Sustainability Committee and other leaders in the lake association. Please
plan to attend; there is no cost.
LLAWF is also working on some other tools for Sustainability Committees,
including a landowner conservation options brochure, conservation tools fact
sheets, and template letters, etc.
We look forward to working more closely with the Ten Mile Lake Association
to protect sensitive areas.
Paula West , Executive
Leech Lake Area Watershed
Foundation d