News 2014Ten Mile Summer | AIS Inspection Training | AIS Inspection Training | From the Safety Committee Lacey Canfield's "Ten Mile Summer"Lacey Canfield, granddaughter of Don and Gail Dahlstrom, and daughter of Alissa and Eric Canfield, has composed and recorded a nostalgic song, "Ten Mile Summer". Please click on the link below. Lacey Canfield's "Ten Mile Summer Song" AIS GrantAIS Prevention Money UpdateBy Bob Iversen Cass County has received its share of the state AIS prevention money (~ $220,000) and Environmental Services Director John Ringle will be making a presentation to the commissioners on August 5 on plans to use the funds. The first priority is increased inspections using DNR-trained paid inspectors. We expect to have an inspector for TML all day both Saturday and Sunday under this plan starting in August, and maybe even more as additional inspectors are trained. Also, lake associations with an approved AIS plan (like TMLA) can apply to the county for funding for their lake’s AIS projects – our AIS committee will be coming up with some good ideas, I’m sure. June 23, 2014From the Safety CommitteeThe water level on the lake is very high right now and that high water is creating some concerns. First, the high water has caused some problems with docks and boat lifts. The high water makes even minimal wave activity cause damage to docks and lift items off docks and into the lake. A temporary "lost and found" of items that have washed off of docks has been set up on the shore near the channel entry into Kenfield Bay. Many property owners are seeing increased erosion along their shoreline. And there is a fair amount of debris in the water as a result of this erosion. When boating, please watch out for debris like branches or even entire trees that may be in the lake. Also, please be mindful to help prevent further erosion by following no-wake rules in channels and some bays and even trying to reduce the effect of wakes by boating about 200 feet away from the shoreline. Finally, if you do ever happen to see a damaged or misplaced buoy, please call Rick Hughes at 218-675-6268 or Mark Sand at 21-675-5582. Thank you! April 16, 2014AIS Inspection TrainingHi everyone – Yes, it’s almost that time again – time to think about open water on Ten Mile, and therefore about AIS inspection. To be a certified DNR Inspection – Educator, volunteers need to take DNR training every two years. (For many of us who were initially trained in 2012, that means re-training this year.) For those of you who haven’t volunteered yet, this is a great opportunity to join us – the training only takes about 2 hours, and the inspection shifts are 4 hours long on the weekends, and you can self-schedule to match your plans. The DNR has published the list of early inspection training classes: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/ais_volunteer.html You have to click on the individual dates to see where they are, but there is one at the Walker Area Community Center on the evening of May 7, and one in Pequot Lakes on May 21. Others on the list in May are in the Twin cities area, and I’m sure more will be added. If you plan to attend a session, please be sure to contact the listed DNR person, since they will be cancelled if less than 20 people sign up. Thanks for your participation – root for warmer weather! Bob Iversen Chairman, TMLA AIS Committee |