Ten Mile Lake Association P.O. Box 412, Hackensack, MN 56452 Grateful for the generosity of past donors and wishing both to encourage giving and to provide prudential guidance for future donors and for the Association, the Ten Mile Lake Association Board of Directors presents this Gifting Policy Summer, 2007
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Also, a number of families have gifted the Association with parcels of land. Land Donations · Bailey’s Shores, a gift of Ray Bailey. Two parcels, 12.65 acres, 900 Ft. of Shoreline in Long’s Bay. · Boone Point Road Outlots, a gift of Ray Bailey. Two lots, 49.3 acres, no shoreline. · Owre Property, Kenfield Bay, a gift of Rod and Dorothy Owre. 5.69 acres, 500 Ft. of shoreline. · Roby Property, Robinson’s Bay, a gift of Opal and Cecil Roby. 1.8 acres, 500 Ft. of shoreline. · Pierson Outlot, Hiram Loop Road, a gift of Katherine and John Pierson. 1.33 acres, no shoreline.
The James W. Schwartz Environmental Preservation Fund (JWS EPF) In addition, over the years many Association members have made smaller, special contributions over and above their annual dues. These have fallen into one of several categories: · Memorials Gifts given in memory of deceased Ten Mile residents. Some memorial gifts have been designated for specific purposes. · Designated Gifts Special gifts given for a designated purpose, such as the purchase of safety buoys, the construction of the Birch Lake outlet structure, etc. · Undesignated Gifts Gifts over and above the annual dues amount but not designated for a specific purpose. Recognizing that many TMLA members were routinely giving over and above the amount of their annual dues, and that fiduciary duty required that any of these funds that were not spent should be prudently invested, in 1998 the Board of Directors established the Environmental Preservation Fund. The purpose of the Environmental Preservation Fund is “to endow preservation activities impacting Ten Mile Lake, including research, education, lake management, emergency response to environmental threats, and protection of environmentally fragile areas” (Association Bylaws), including purchase of ecologically sensitive shoreland. In its 1998 Annual Meeting the membership named the fund in honor of Jim Schwartz, a quarter-century key Association leader (an incorporating member of the Association, a long-time Editor of the TMLA Newsletter, a multi-term Chair of the Environment and Ecology Committee, a nine-year member of the TMLA Board, President of the Association from 1984 to 1986 and a long-time hands-on volunteer in the TMLA environmental protection and education program). Thus the Fund became the James W. Schwartz Environmental Preservation Fund (JWS EPF). Since the Association Bylaws were amended to this effect in August, 2004, TMLA policy has been to deposit all undesignated gifts and bequests directly into the JWS EPF. Annual distributions from this fund may be no more than ten percent of the value of the fund as of July 31 of the previous year. Distributions of more than ten percent must be approved by two-thirds of all of the members of the Board of Directors. In significant ways the Sundin’s1985 gift has provided the foundation upon which Ten Milers have built an environmental and educational program second to none. Over the years, gifts both large and small have helped the Association not only to preserve and improve the quality of the lake and its environs, but also to become one of the leading Associations of its kind in the state. The Ten Mile Association Gifting Policy Since it was established in 1998, the JWS EPF has served the TMLA well, and it remains the Board’s depository of choice for contributors’ financial gifts. However, recognizing that other types of funds may be more appealing to some contributors, upon the advice of the special Gifting Committee, in 2007 the Board adopted the following six-part Gifting Policy designed to provide alternative ways of supporting the TMLA’s long term goals. I. Occasional and Annual Gifts Over and Above Annual Dues Payments · Memorials The Association welcomes and encourages memorials, whether designated or undesignated. The Treasurer deposits undesignated memorials directly into the JWS EPF. Designated memorials must be in keeping with the Association’s purposes and receive approval by the Board of Directors. The Board uses these gifts for the Association purpose intended by the donor. Donors receive acknowledgement of their gifts from the Board of Directors. · Other Designated Gifts Donors who wish to make designated gifts must designate them for purposes congruent with those of the Association. Designated gifts receive the approval of the Board of Directors, which ensures that these gifts are used for the purposes their donors intend. · Other Undesignated Gifts Undesignated gifts, such as contributions received along with annual dues payments, do not need the approval of the Board. The Treasurer deposits undesignated gifts directly into the JWS EPF, and the Board uses them in keeping with the Association Bylaws. II. TMLA Endowment Fund (New) The TMLA Endowment Fund is offered to accommodate donors who wish to make contributions to a fund whose principal remains intact for the long term. The TMLA can use principal from the fund only with the approval of a majority of the Association membership voting in person or by proxy at an Association meeting. The TMLA Board of Directors must approve contributions any special terms under which contributions are made. The minimum contribution is $5,000 and contributions must be in cash or cash equivalents. Any expenditure of the principal must be for purposes in keeping with TMLA long-term goals. At the end of each calendar year earnings from this fund are rolled into the JWS EPF. III. Named Endowment Funds (New) The opportunity to create a Named Endowment Fund is offered to donors who wish to establish a distinct fund either in their own or in another’s name. Donors may stipulate that income from a named fund be used for a specific purpose or be used as the Board of Directors chooses. Whether general or specific, a fund’s purpose must be congruent with TMLA long-term goals. Again, the Board must approve contributions. The minimum contribution is $100,000, and contributions must be cash or cash equivalents. Additional contributions may be made to a named fund. The Treasurer will account for each fund separately. The principal of each fund will not be spent for ten years from the date of the initial gift. At the end of each calendar year, earnings that are not used for an approved purpose are rolled into the JWS EPF. At the end of the fiscal year during which a named endowment fund reaches its tenth anniversary a fund’s principal is rolled into the JWS EPF. IV. Land ContributionsGifts of land to the TMLA provide donors with a way of protecting environmentally sensitive property from development and may provide the donor with a one-time tax benefit. The Board of Directors must approve all property donations. Properties offered to the Association must have a clear title as determined by a property attorney, and the property must be free of environmental problems. While a gift of land may provide a tax benefit to the donor, the acceptance of the gift by the Association incurs obligations for taxes, insurance, and, in cases where conservation easements are involved, costs for easement monitoring and enforcement. The Board of Directors will take these costs into account as a part of its gift approval considerations. V. Conservation Easements A Conservation Easement is a legally recorded agreement by which land owners restrict use of their lands. A land owner conveys the conservation easement to, for instance, the Minnesota Land Trust, retains title to the property, the right to sell it, the right to restrict public access, and the right to deed it to whomever he or she chooses. However, most or all of the rights to future development are restricted or eliminated. One of the advantages of conservation easements for individual property owners is that in addition to protecting their property from undesirable development, under certain conditions donors become eligible for income, estate and property tax benefits. A special TMLA Conservation Easement Committee consisting of Jim Miller, John Hartzell, Al Griggs, John Alden, Barrett Colombo and Jim McGill stands ready to assist Ten Mile shoreland owners interested in placing conservation easements on their properties. Under the terms of the TMLA Gifting Policy, donors may gift the Association with parcels of shoreland with or without conservation easements in place. VI. BequestsBequests are welcome, and the Board of Directors encourages Association members and friends to remember the Association in their wills. Donors may make bequests in any of the forms of gift described in this brochure. You can also view the .pdf version of this document. Click here. [1] Annual TMLA Membership Dues were $10 in the early years. They have been $15 since 1991, $25 since 1999 and $30 since 2002. |